Thought Leader & Solutions Creator

You and Me in a nutshell

One day I was given a challenge.

By request I had to “contextualize” myself to a new person curious to know me better. But not any person. A person that I admire and I know it has little time to dispense. So it was important to write about myself “in a nutshell”… Short but relevant so he could get the requested context in a few written lines.

So how does oneself contextualizes a lifetime in 10 lines for example?

What is the core information that is so important to mention to someone else, that will define who you are and where you are in life?

What is that information that once someone reads it, it immediately defines you?

How do you choose the relevance of a lifetime of events?

What defines you the most?

You should try it. Write it down under 10 facts and/or events of life.

You’ll see how powerful it is to pick among all the slices of life and from those breadcrumbs of past events that made you into what you are in the present and hopefully will lead you to where you want to be in the future.

And then feel free to send the list to me. May you be a stranger to me or not I would love to read it and get to know you in a nutshell…

Luisa in a nutshell:
  1. Few months shy of turning 43 years old, born and raised in Portugal.
  2.  At a very  young age had to choose between living the life she was “handed” or making a life for herself. Left the path she was in and started treading her own. Still is.
  3.  A Self-taught that is always trying to go from curiosity, to knowledge to wisdom.
  4.  Psychology was the dream. Working as Personal Assistant and Admin paid the bills. Along the way fell in love with the IT world and with Marketing since it is psychology applied to communication by figuring out what makes people tick. Therefore and inevitably finds herself in Marketing & Communication as a natural career path.
  5. Along the way earned the 2 major goals and challenges in her life: to pass along the message to her Daughter of how a woman can be strong without being harsh and to her Son on how a man can be caring without being dependent. (And no, I did not write the roles wrong. They are Strength for her and Compassion for him…)
  6. Moves to and lives 9 years in San Francisco working with Innovation and Start-Ups being happy as a clam learning and soaking in all the multitudes of personal and profissional experiences in the Silicon Valley.
  7. Goes through a healing process of ending a love story in her life and returning to the love story she loves the most… Her own.
  8. Proudly becomes an American citizen embracing the country who embraced her children but then Returns to Portugal and finds herself almost a stranger in a strange land thorn between the two cultures and countries she now carries in her heart.
  9. Decides to plunge into Life, Learning, Love and Legacy so she decides to open her 4th business initiative in her life: a consulting company in her field of expertise as a Communicator, a Marketeer and a Business Developer, while co-launching a Non-Profit Organization that promotes diversity and Intercultural Dialogue.
  10. Deeply hopes that her path and choices in life  will always provide her the Freedom to color life in any shade she wishes and even outside the lines if she wants to.