Life will always put us through the test now and then.
It’s just how it is. One shouldn’t take it personally.
Nor try to avoid it and lot less deny that certainty.
At the end of the line, those tests will be one’s biggest learning experiences that will bring the most development, evolution and self-esteem to oneself.
In my opinion there is a way to go through these tests of life: with ability for acceptance, consistency in one’s own values and with sheer resilience while being compassionate for others and most of all, for oneself.
After a long summer break that provided me with the long due rest that my body had been reclaiming and demanding for a long time, I definitely feel that I am back on track and with energy, focus and gratitude for life itself.
Last couple of years, and months!, have been a test to my resistance, creativity, capacity to take and give back and to my Mind, Body and Soul balance and health. With a long list of BIG Hairy Audacious Goals to achieve in the last 5 Years, that seemed impossible to do at times!, I am happy to check almost all of them out as Done and to move on to the next 5 Years BHAG List. I am indeed lucky to have 2 amazing kids and friends and family that provided replenishment whenever and wherever I needed the most.
But without a doubt, this past week felt like a tipping point:
1. Closed in on a great month of vacation and rest with the 2 unconditional loves of my life: my kids.
2. Finally got my health and balance back and it feels great!
3. Witnessed the “seeds” I planted in the last months germinate or give fruit.
4. Attended a Conference with my tribe where I learned and got inspired beyond words.
5. Planned for a new art expression that will be part of who I am.
6. And got to check yet another item of my Life’s Bucket List by literally jumping into the adventure of living by doing and amazing Jump out of a plane, parachute and all!
Verbalization moment:
Thank you all that are part of my journey, whether it be continuously, sporadically or in a single moment and event and that have in someway contributed to who and where I am as a Self & Others Made Person.